Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mystery Books Newsletter from

Hi, Everyone,

Imagine the excitement of your upcoming wedding and then the horrific news that your fiance committed suicide. Toni handled the news much differently than I probably would have - but she refused to give up until she found out the truth in this fast-moving thriller.

Deed to Death Review
Just days before their wedding, Scott Chadwick plunges to his death in what authorities are calling a suicide. Fiance Toni Matthews believes otherwise and sets out to prove it.

Please visit for even more great content about Mystery Books.


To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Mystery Books located here -

Don't see your favorite topic on the forum? Feel free to begin your own thread with a mystery-related topic!


I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message!

Take care,

Edie Dykeman, Mystery Books Editor

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Learn how to create an English Garden
Want to learn more about creating your own English garden? Check out the tips booklet "How to Create an English Garden" by Carol Chernega, BellaOnline´s English garden editor.


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Literary Fiction Newsletter from

"The true writer, the born writer, will scribble words on scraps of litter, the back of a bus ticket, on the wall of a cell."

- David Nicholls, One Day (2010)



'Ginger Rogers Played Tennis in North Vancouver'
Paul and Anne Marie's neighbor, Peggy, seems a melancholy soul until a trip south revives her interest in tennis. After her return, Paul finds himself becoming her partner in a social pas de deux - a sort of Ginger and Fred number - in this original story by John Joyce.

Mary Shelley - A Writing Life
August 30 marks the birthday of Frankenstein's creator, who wrote tirelessly and traveled extensively, but lived a solitary life.



Perfect Lives by Polly Samson

As the summer winds down, my attention span starts to fragment, and I turn to short fiction and magazine articles for my reading material. Polly Samson's collection of 11 short stories is perfect. Published in the UK in 2010, it was the Sunday Times Fiction Choice of the Year and was released in the U.S. in February.

As seems the norm these days, the stories are each complete on its own but are linked by character to create an overarching narrative. (Elizabeth Strout's Olive Kitteridge is another example, and even Téa Obreht's novel, The Tiger's Wife, reads like interwoven separate stories.) So far I've only read the first story, "The Egg," which centers on the author's favorite character. Celia Idlewild is preparing breakfast-in-bed for her husband Graham when a disturbing parcel is pushed through the letter box on the door: a raw egg. Its yolk spreading slimily on the floor, its broken shell bears a message that shatters Celia's morning.

Samson writes lyrically, which is not surprising once you know that she co-wrote lyrics to The Division Bell with her husband, David Gilmour of Pink Floyd. I'm looking forward to the rest of the book, and the best thing is, I can read it one story at a time.



What is the most boring classic novel of all time?

At last, here is our official Top Five Most Boring Classic Novels of All Time:

Silmarillion - J. R. R. Tolkien (1977)
Tender is the Night - F. Scott Fitzgerald (1934)
War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy (1869)
Iliad - Homer (7th or 8th century BC)
The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck (1939)

What a wide-ranging selection! Luckily, for every book that puts you to sleep, there are dozens that will thrill you. Read the whole conversation over at the forum.

Who is the most original, complex, interesting female character in literature?

The voting for the most soporific classic brought up some thought-provoking side topics. A remark about Twilight led to a discussion of Bella Swan and Nabokov's Lolita, and ended with my asking: Where are all the Harry Potters for the girls?

Actually, psychologist and literary critic Lucy Pollard-Gott has compiled a list of the most influential characters in literature and legend worldwide. They are ranked in her 2010 book, The Fictional 100. Only one woman made the top 10: Eve. Not exactly a character in literary fiction! Although the list certainly has international appeal, the most modern women in it are Scarlett O'Hara and Toni Morrison's Beloved.

So I'm curious: what fictional girl or woman gives Hamlet, Huck, Harry, and Holden Caulfield a run for their money? Please share your thoughts on the forum!


Happy reading!

Lane Graciano
Literary Fiction Editor, BellaOnline

BellaOnline is looking for writers! Here are a few of the topics that are available for you to write for : Appalachia | ASP | Atheist / Agnostic | Attachment Parenting | Basketball | Brazil | Cajun & Creole | California | Canadian Culture | Candlemaking | Card Games | Caribbean Culture | and more!

Crestline Living
Crestline Living is all about life in the small, little-known mountain towns of Southern California. From Big Bear and Lake Arrowhead to Twin Peaks and Crestline, this friendly resource is available for people thinking of traveling through, or moving to, our mountain paradise.


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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Literary Fiction Newsletter from

"Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language."

- Henry James, quoted in Edith Wharton's memoir, A Backward Glance (1934)



Review - The Help by Kathryn Stockett
With 59 days as Amazon's best-seller and its film adaptation certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, this was one of the highlights of Summer 2011.



The Winter of Our Disconnect by Susan Maushart

A non-fiction book this time, which attracted me with its Shakespeare allusion of a title and its subtitle: "How one family pulled the plug on their technology and lived to tell/text/tweet the tale." Insipired by a re-reading of Thoreau's Walden, single-parent Maushart convinced her three teenagers to participate in a six-month "digital detox" with her. Six months without their laptops/desktops/iPod/iPhone/Blackberry! That's impressive. Her gaming-maniac son Bill goes back to reading: Harry Potter, Outliers, Kafka on the Shore. Her daughter Anni cooks dinner - coconut fish curry, lasagna - and compiles a family cookbook, writing down, using pen and paper, family recipes dictated to her. Maushart writes convincingly, peppering her observations with the wicked humor of a seasoned columnist. An excerpt from a journal entry reads:

"Arrived home just before B. - who spookily enough (given yesterday's entry) watched and chatted while I cooked dinner.... READ ME HIS ENTIRE ENGLISH SYLLABUS. Does that sound normal to you?"

I'm also enjoying the fact that I can dip into this book in parts and chapters, gleaning its wisdom in between sessions of surfing the web - I mean, reading The Odyssey. In print, of course.



Do you miss writing letters by hand?

The quotation and books mentioned in this newsletter have to do with a recent conversation with a friend in which my husband and I recalled writing letters. Our friend is in her late teens; she had no idea what we were talking about. Don't you miss receiving a handwritten letter - unfolding the paper, savoring page after page, and then reading it all over again? E-mail is just so different.

Many classic authors are famous for writing long letters that are almost literary works in their own right: Flaubert, Dickens, Twain, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Woolf. Reading their published correspondence, we see them as ordinary people, men and women who worked at their craft. It seems a shame that writers of our time won't be leaving behind such richness of material.

What do you think? Post your thoughts on the forum!

What is the most boring classic novel of all time?

Thanks to those who have written in and generated a lively discussion. Nothing like taking an object of admiration down a few notches to narrow down our to-read list! I'm keeping this discussion open until the end of the month, so there's still time to add your choice. Our top five titles will be announced in the August 27 newsletter.


Happy reading ... and think about unplugging for a day or two ...

Lane Graciano
Literary Fiction Editor, BellaOnline
http://LiteraryFiction.bellaonline.comBellaOnline is looking for writers! Here are a few of the topics that are available for you to write for : Appalachia | ASP | Atheist / Agnostic | Attachment Parenting | Basketball | Brazil | Cajun & Creole | California | Canadian Culture | Candlemaking | Card Games | Caribbean Culture | and more!

Did Your Birth Order Create Your Personality?
Have you ever wondered how siblings in the same household could have such diverse thinking and behavior? Perhaps their birth orders are responsible. "Birth Order and Parenting" is an easy to read ebook on personality traits and the role parents have in developing a child's character.


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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Literary Fiction Newsletter from

"There is no month in the whole year in which nature wears a more beautiful appearance than in the month of August."

- Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers (1837)



Coming Soon - Books to Movies
Blockbuster season is almost over. Which of your favorite books will soon be showing at a theater near you?

What Makes a Classic 'Classic'
We've read many more stories than Scheherazade ever told. How do we discern the classics?



The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Not being a fan of the multiple-perspective novel, I skimmed whole chapters of this one to stay on Aibileen's and Minny's stories. The buzz surrounding the just-released movie version includes questions of how the author, who is white, could assume the voices of these narrators, who are black. My quibble is simpler: Skeeter's story is boring. As the aspiring journalist who wants - and succeeds in getting - to help the help to publicize their experience, Skeeter tells her side of the story earnestly. This makes for a mundane plot strand. It's the sharp subtext of Aibileen's interactions at work and the comic undertone of Minny's that enliven their narratives.

Before I Go to Sleep by S. J. Watson

Like Leonard in the movie Memento, Christine is suffering from amnesia so severe that all her memories are erased every night. She relies on her husband to explain her life to her, every single morning. Then comes a phone call from Dr. Nash, who says she has been undergoing tests which are looking promising. And yet, Christine has not told her husband. Why?? Much of what ensues is a story within a story, as Christine catches up on the moments she has recorded in a journal which is part of her treatment. That we are mirroring her actions is one of the neat things about the way the story is told. Like the best of mystery writers, Watson lets us figure things out with the characters and gives us a payoff worth staying up for. This is true even if the resolution is clearly mindful of the novel's big-screen potential - it's already been optioned by Ridley Scott's production company.



Where do your books go?

I love the look and feel of books too much to get a digital reading device, but here's the problem: I'm fast running out of shelf space for future reads. So how do I keep the books I don't want to keep, out of the world's landfills? They go to four places.

First, there's my workplace lending library. I got Robert Goddard's Past Caring, one of the most enjoyable beach reads I can remember, from these very shelves.

Second, I give them away. I know it sounds cheap to give away unwanted books to unsuspecting, grateful recipients, but rest assured I take their reading preferences into account. Not to mention the shape the gift is in - no coffee rings or dog ears.

The third place my books go to is anywhere they are wanted. Two of my students spent part of their summer in Ghana, working at an orphanage and donating dozens of books from our school community. A quick online search turns up many non-profit organizations that accept donated books: Better World Books, Room to Read, Books for Africa, Open Books, First Books, Thriftbooks. It's nice to think I'm helping to promote literacy while recycling my used books.

Finally, there are the hotels. If you've seen Goddard's Past Caring, Anita Shreve's Eden Close or Agatha Christie's Seven Dials Mystery on a recent vacation, it might just be the copy I left behind!

What about you - what happens to your used books? I'd love to hear your ideas.

What is the most boring classic novel of all time?

Thanks to those who have written in and generated a lively discussion. Nothing like taking an object of admiration down a few notches to narrow down our to-read list! I'm keeping this discussion open until the end of the month, so there's still time to add your choice. Our top five titles will be announced in the August 27 newsletter.


Happy reading ... and do keep your used books out of the landfill!

Lane Graciano
Literary Fiction Editor, BellaOnline
http://LiteraryFiction.bellaonline.comBellaOnline is looking for writers! Here are a few of the topics that are available for you to write for : Appalachia | ASP | Atheist / Agnostic | Attachment Parenting | Basketball | Brazil | Cajun & Creole | California | Canadian Culture | Candlemaking | Card Games | Caribbean Culture | and more!

How To Give Yourself The Power To Succeed
Learn to recognize the things you´re doing that may be keeping you from the things you want. Find the "something" you´re saying, thinking or believing that may be making professional success and personal happiness a struggle.


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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mystery Books Newsletter from

Hi everyone,

A couple of reviews for you today - two very different but interesting thrillers that will make great summer reads. Please check them out as they are
both top-notch mysteries.

The Girl Who Disappeared Twice Review
When a young girl is kidnapped in plain daylight, a newly formed renegade team of highly trained specialists and their brilliant, intuitive leader do whatever they have to in order to bring the young girl home.


Phantom Evil Review
Paranormal investigator Adam Harrison sends six new team members to NOLA to investigate the sudden death of the wife of a popular senator.


Three things you can never recover in life: The moment after its missed, the word after its said, and the time after its wasted.~Anon.


Please visit for even more great content about Mystery Books.

To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Mystery Books located here -


I hope you are having a great summer and look forward to hearing from you in the forum.

Edie Dykeman, Mystery Books Editor

One of hundreds of sites at

BellaOnline is looking for writers! Here are a few of the topics that are available for you to write for : Appalachia | ASP | Atheist / Agnostic | Attachment Parenting | Basketball | Blogs / Social Networking | Brazil | Cajun & Creole | California | Canadian Culture | Candlemaking | Card Games | and more!

How To Give Yourself The Power To Succeed
Learn to recognize the things you´re doing that may be keeping you from the things you want. Find the "something" you´re saying, thinking or believing that may be making professional success and personal happiness a struggle.


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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Children's Books Newsletter from

Here's the latest article from the Children's Books site at

Young Cam Jansen and the Speedy Car Mystery
Young Cam Jansen and the Speedy Car Mystery by David A. Adler. Susanna Natti illustrates the early chapter book. A remote-controlled car is missing? Will Young Cam Jansen and her amazing gift solve the speedy car mystery.

List of Young Cam Jansen Mysteries
Young Cam Jansen Mystery Books for the beginning chapter book reader. Prepare young readers for the exciting world of chapter books.

Please visit for even more great content about Children's Books.

To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Children's Books located here -

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Taisha Turner, Children's Books Editor

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BellaOnline is looking for writers! Here are a few of the topics that are available for you to write for : Appalachia | ASP | Atheist / Agnostic | Attachment Parenting | Basketball | Blogs / Social Networking | Brazil | Cajun & Creole | California | Canadian Culture | Candlemaking | Card Games | and more!

Parents - Protect Your Children
Someone is buying cars, houses, strippers and more with your children identities because they know you won´t do anything about it. Sign up today with special for $28.95 a Year. Over 12 Million identities are compromised every year including Children.


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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Literary Fiction Newsletter from

"Memory believes before knowing remembers. Believes longer than recollects, longer than knowing even wonders."

- William Faulkner, Light in August (1932)



Another Definition of Literary Fiction
What takes fiction to the realm of literature? Five elements ... and one vital ingredient.

Award Winners of the Past Decade
Casting about for the next great read? Here are a few that come highly recommended.



The Tiger's Wife by Téa Obreht

An award-winning first novel, this is the story of a doctor, her beloved grandfather, the enigmatic "deathless man," and the title character. These are the major players, but many other characters appear in chapters alternating with the narrator's story.

Having grown up under the threat, followed by the actuality, of civil war in the Balkan region, Natalia became a doctor like her grandfather - a noble profession in a land of pain and suffering. She is on her way to an orphanage across the border when she receives news that her grandfather has died, not at home but miles away, in a village no one can place on the map. Natalia's adventures unfold as she recalls stories of her grandfather's childhood, which was full of wondrous events and brutal people.

Téa Obreht, who at 25 became the youngest winner of the Orange Prize back in June, has a flair for the poetic and an affinity for mythical settings. The influence of Latin American authors, acknowledged at the back of the book, is evident in the tale of the deathless man, which adds a dimension of magic realism to the grandfather's past. It's this narrative strand, not the main one about the tiger's wife, that captured my interest. Unfortunately, it's the thinnest strand in this bag of many yarns.

Still, The Tiger's Wife is a very impressive debut. If Obreht has any more stories in her notebook after this, she certainly is a writer to look out for in the future.



What is the most boring classic novel of all time?

Isn't that an intriguing question? It was on a 1950 Columbia University Press survey, according to columnist Jennifer Schuessler of the New York Times Book Review ("Inside the List," July 31). The top five answers? Quite a few allegories:

Pilgrim's Progress - John Bunyan (1678)
Moby Dick - Herman Melville (1851)
Paradise Lost - John Milton (1667)
The Faerie Queene - Edmund Spenser (1590)
The Life of Samuel Johnson - James Boswell (1791)

Possibly it's the didactic nature of allegories that ruins a good story. The survey was directed at teachers, librarians and booksellers - and they should know what they're talking about.

But what book would you choose? Send in your selection via the comment box on my bio page, or post it on the forum. I'll compile a top five of our own for next week's newsletter.


Happy reading . and don't get bored!

Lane Graciano
Literary Fiction Editor, BellaOnline
http://LiteraryFiction.bellaonline.comBellaOnline is looking for writers! Here are a few of the topics that are available for you to write for : Appalachia | ASP | Atheist / Agnostic | Attachment Parenting | Basketball | Blogs / Social Networking | Brazil | Cajun & Creole | California | Canadian Culture | Candlemaking | Card Games | and more!

Better for babies, easier for parents
Natural and attachment parenting supplies. Babywearing carriers, cloth diapers, cosleepers and handmade items for your baby...because they are only Little for Now.


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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Blues and Jazz Newsletter from

Here's the latest article from the Blues and Jazz site at

Amy Winehouse - Rest in Peace
Amy Winehouse has passed away at 27 years old.

Please visit for even more great content about Blues and Jazz.

To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Blues and Jazz located here -

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Sue Sutherland-Wood, Blues and Jazz Editor

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My Successful Divorce
This two DVD set is the "Best" of "D"aisy Camp. Filmed by an Oscar Nominated Documentary film maker this professional set showcases 9 professionals who help couples get through their divorce in a fair, collaborative way.


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